Saturday, April 25, 2009


Fusilli pasta cooked in red pepper sauce

Preparation Time : 20-25 minutes

Cooking Time : 20-25 minutes



Wash pepper and carrot. De-seed pepper and cut into one-inch sized pieces. Peel carrot and slice thinly. Peel and wash onion and slice thinly. Peel and chop garlic. Place pepper, carrot and onion on a tray and sprinkle one tablespoon of olive oil and cook in the oven at 180 degree C for ten minutes. Boil sufficient water in a deep pan with salt. Add one tablespoon of oil and cook different coloured fusilli pasta in it till al dente. Drain and refresh in cold water. Add one tablespoon olive oil and mix. Remove the vegetables from the oven and blend with a little water in a mixer. Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic, vegetable puree, tomato puree, salt, pepper powder and simmer for five minutes. Add boiled pasta and mix. Add fresh cream and mix. Add dried basil. Transfer onto a serving dish and garnish with fresh parsley and serve hot.



* After buying fresh fish, place it in the refrigerator between self-sealing plastic bags filled with ice cubes. This will keep the fish from getting soggy.
