Sunday, May 31, 2009


Macaroni in cheesy white sauce

Preparation Time : 30 minutes

Cooking Time : 15-25 minutes



Boil macaroni in sufficient water till al dente. Drain and refresh under running water. Drain and set aside. Heat butter in a pan. Add maida and saute lightly, taking care that it does not change color. Add milk, gradually, stirring continuously so that there are no lumps formed. Add grated cheese and keep stirring. After adding cheese the sauce will thicken further, so add more milk to adjust the consistency. Add salt, white pepper powder and mix. Heat some butter in another pan. Add macaroni. Toss. Strain the sauce into this pan and mix gently. Add some more cheese. At this stage if you want to bake you can do so till the cheese at the top becomes a light golden. Or serve it just like that. Garnish with parsley and serve hot.