Sunday, April 26, 2009

Egg nest

Medley of vegetables wrapped in a delicate egg net
Preparation Time : 20 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 minutes


Crush coriander roots, garlic, fresh red chillies, salt and crushed peppercorns in a mortar with a pestle.

Break eggs in a bowl and whisk lightly.

Heat two tablespoons oil in a pan. Add the crushed mixture and sauté. Add onion and the three coloured capsicums, mushrooms and salt and cook for two to three minutes. Set aside and keep warm.

Heat a little oil in another pan. Make a cone with gateway paper with a very small hole in the pointed end. Pour the eggs into this cone and move it above the surface of the pan so that a trail of egg flows into it and sets in threads. Keep moving the cone to make three to four crisscross layers of threads.

Using a spatula, transfer the nest onto an absorbent paper and make more nests similarly.

Place the nests on a flat surface, place some of the mixed vegetables over each and fold the sides over. Serve immediately.



* When using only a part of a cucumber, tomato, place the remainder, unpeeled and cut side down, on a flat, opaque plate (clear glass exposes the food to light). This technique not only preserves the food but also saves on storage wraps.
